

Bala's journey to profitability

Bala's journey to profitability

Bala’s Founder shares her journey from Shark Tank to completely revolutionising fitness as we know it

Co-founder of Bala, Natalie Holloway, sat down with Ground's very own Kat Garcia to share her brand’s journey from before Shark Tank to becoming a multimillion dollar business. She shares her thoughts on the challenges COVID- 19 presented, the importance of collaborations, the strategies that have propelled Bala to the forefront of the wellness industry, her leadership style, and the significance of staying grounded.

G: You created a new category and changed the way we think about the wellness space. Can you tell us more about your journey from before Shark Tank, and how it felt to get the success you received the minute you were on the platform.

N: We launched the business two years before airing on Shark Tank. So we kind of were able to work out some of the kinks, learn how to be business people because I was a marketer, but not necessarily a business owner. It was great to have a little bit of a headstart because after we aired on Shark Tank, two weeks later, COVID happened and the world shut down. So essentially the business just scaled really quickly and we had to figure out how we were going to make that work. We were a really small team - it was my husband and myself. After we aired on Shark Tank, we quickly had to hire a couple more people and also navigate working from home and all of these things. There was a learning curve for sure, and I think there were a lot of mistakes made that year when we aired but I do think that moment was crucial for the brand because had we not been on Shark Tank, would anybody have known us during COVID? I think it really just put us on the map so I think that was a very pivotal moment and we really had to grow up during that year as business people.

G: You guys have had these legendary partnerships and it's very community oriented and design centric. Can tell us a little bit more about what inspires those collaborations and the strategies behind your growth?

N: So for us, the collaborations are just really fun. Like you said, it's for the community. We often like to do something that's unexpected, that doesn't even maybe make sense within the fitness category. But I think it keeps our creativity high and is exciting for the customers. So that's like the bar in which we do collaborations. Since the beginning, collaborations have been important to us because as our product is fitness, everybody has a wellness component to their brand. So we could partner with a fashion brand like Ralph Lauren, or a skincare brand like Summer Fridays. And I think that's what's so fun is that we're really not limited by the categories. I do think collaborations are a very cool part of companies. I think it's something you should definitely bake into your strategy to keep people excited.

G: From a strategic level, but then also from your own leadership style, how have you had to adapt and change?

N: I mean, things have definitely changed a lot from, you know, 0 to 1 and then 1 to 10, 10 to 20. It's just, you have to change. And I think as far as I know, what I've grown into now is all about prioritisation and what makes the most sense to focus my time on. You've all heard this before, about putting a dollar value on your time and then allocating accordingly. So I have tried to maximise my time, for example, taking less calls or if something can be an email not a call, I'm all for that because you really can't drive the business forward if you're nine to five on calls all day long. I think that's something I learned along the way, being stretched too thin somewhere in the middle. Now just putting in place this whole year, tools that made it work for me because I need to have bandwidth in my head to think about the future of the company and drive the business forward. So that's a huge one that has changed, but there's so many tactical ones I could talk about.

G: Natalie, how do you stay grounded?

N: I stay grounded by making sure I have enough time with my family and kids. So for me lately, that's been blocking out times in the day. So I'll stop working at two, go pick up my son and literally just try to not look at my technology from like two to seven, which is their bedtime, and then maybe do a little emails then. But I definitely have to have enough time with my kids every day and so that's definitely one. And then the other one is walking. So trying to hit my 10,000 steps a day goal, which is really hard to do actually, unless you go on a walk. So I'll do walking meetings now or if I have a really  stressful situation going on, I grab Max, my husband, like, can we just go on a walk? And it always makes me feel good. So many ways to stay grounded, but those are a few of mine.